If you really want your ex boyfriend or girlfriend back. You can’t help but be intrigued by the overwhelmingly positive feedback the members have been giving for Michael Fiores Text Your Ex Back System.
Check out Michael Fiore’s Text Your Ex Back Testimonials from real members. He wanted me to share them with you.
Also, check out my review of the program.
Big fan of the system!!
I’ve been using the TXB system for about a week now. I have gotten positive responses on both texts i have sent!
I just purchased your program “Text your ex back” about 3 days ago. I have listened to the entire program and I have to say you have put a lot of time and thought into the program. There is a lot of extremely valuable advice and information in the book.
“I got my ex to start talking to me again after 2 years ”
“Very good reaction from my ex”
I bought the text your ex back system about a month ago and have started implementing the system. I sent my first “Across the Bow” text last week. I got a very good positive reaction from my ex.
I have just become the proud owner of the Text Your Ex Back programme and can not wait to start creating a new and magical relationship with my ex.
“My ex was almost begging me to take him back”
I love your program ! It’s so much worth it !! My ex came to me yesterday and was almost begging me to take him back !!! Just as you said it !! Thank you Michael !!!
“I just read the ebook and I must say, it’s a goldmine.”
“Because of your program, we got married!”
I just have to tell you some great news. I started using the text your ex back program in Feb. after a break up on New Year’s Eve. Because of your program, WE GOT MARRIED last weekend on April 28th. Thank you! You saved my life! Let me know if you ever need a spokesperson! Haha!
“Massive thanks… I owe you”
I wanted to drop by and say a massive thanks. I bought your book and it has been a real help through possibly the hardest time of my life. Although the techniques did not work on my ex I am still glad I bought your book. I wasn’t expecting anything to work to help get back in contact with my ex but I was determined to get her back in my life. So I give it a go! I am absolutely devastated that it looks like I’ll never be with my ex girlfriend again. But thanks to the book and regular emails from you it really has helped me learn a lot about myself and help me get in a much better place a lot quicker than expected. No I didn’t win my ex back and although I will still do anything for her to become part of my again. I have accepted that she doesn’t want that. Now it’s time for me to do the same. I strongly believe these techniques would work on a lot of People and other men will have a lot of success with this.
I have a friend that is in a bad way, the way he talks about his ex is exactly how I felt around 2 months ago! I can’t possibly do any more than I have for a second chance and although I don’t want to give up I have no choice. Your book and your daily emails of advice and support have truly been a big help and I will definitely recommend it to my friend. I actually feel like I owe you.
Thanks again! And I hope your emails keep coming!
“We got back together with tears of joy”
I took up the program about 3 months ago,but was busy and could not really write back. Well, I wanted to tell you that I got my ex back. That happened two months ago What happened was that she called me and we kinda nagged at each other at first, because of a little misunderstanding. Afterwards,however,she told me that she had missed me,that after having a rebound (who she called a retard) she realized that she wanted me in her life and that I was perfect for her. I had a rebound myself and that didn’t work either. We cried on the phone and then on Skype and got back together with tears of joy. The break up actually made us realize that we are truly meant to be together and that we are perfect for each other. Now we are getting prepared to celebrate New Year together.
THANK YOU SO MUUUCH for helping me get my beloved fiancee back. (yes,we’re going to get married)
Thank you again,Mike.
“All great journeys start with small steps”
Hi Mike. Good program. The 30 days of no contact was crucial – helped work through myself, thoughts and feelings and work on my physical side – mind body and spirit. The “I like myself” exercise is extremely insightful as it reminds ourselves of who we are. My ex and I are giving at another go – small steps but all great journeys start with small steps. Talk was the game opener – being in our 50’s we did more talking face to face than texting but adapted some of the principles in this program. Thanks for helping me find myself first so I could have the opportunity to find my ex.
All Best
“Followed your program chapter to chapter with unbelievable results.”
I purchased your Text Your Ex Back program around 4 months ago about a week after my girlfriend of 4 years dropped the bomb with the “I need space, Its not you its me” song and dance. Needless to say, I was completely heartbroken and destroyed and didn’t know who to turn to or ask for advice because everyone was saying different things and nobody actually knew our relationship. Then the No contact rule came into play! I followed your program basically chapter to chapter with unbelievable results. Everything happened exactly how this program said it would and now we are dating again and taking things day by day and our relationship is honestly the best it has ever been in 4 years (just started the text the romance back program too). The thing that amazes me about your program in addition to getting your ex back with certain hot buttons and phrases, is the fact that at the end of everything it still gives you a choice wether you really want to get back with your ex or not. Showing you that you may not want to get back with your ex because you have been doing so great the time you were away from them. Showing that you dont “NEED” them at all. Personally I made myself better everyday during the 30 day no contact, and am still going strong with my new hobby “my gym membership”. I lost 30 pounds since i started the program and care much more about my appearance than i ever have. Appreciating people and the little things more. People who have been around me have said how much I am “glowing” now being more confident and bright. I hope you actually read this letter yourself lol.
Not only did this program change my relationship with what i feel is the most incredible and unique girl i have met so far in my life, but you actually helped me change my life for the better. Ever thought this could be a life changing event for someone? Not to mention how inexpensive and how user friendly the program is, no amount of money or words could express how truly grateful i am for what you have done for me as a man.
And for that i would just like to say…Thank You!